Aerospace Engineering (Master of Science)

Course start winter semester recommended, summer semester possible, part-time studies from 1st semester
Language English (opens in new tab)
Course information General information (opens in new tab)
Study regulations (German) (opens in new tab)
Module handbook (German) (opens in new tab)
Course catalogue (opens in new tab)
Internship No compulsory internship. There is the option of external project work in the industry, which can be incorporated into the degree programme.
Thesis Requirements: a minimum of 65 CP as well as the following modules:
  • two Advanced Design Projects or one Advanced Design Project plus an external project work in industry
  • Tutorial
  • one module out of elective area Ia – fundamentals
  • one module out of elective area Ib – digitalisation

Workload: 900 hours
Deadline: 48 weeks