Maternity protection

Maternity protection for students

Expecting mothers benefit from the special protection of the Maternity Protection Act (MuSchuG). This law regulates the duration of the protection period, maternity leave, protection against termination of employment, maternity benefits and more. Down below you can find a summary of how that affects you and who you can contact if you have any questions. Information on studying with children and the compatibility of family and studies can be found here:

Studying with children

The meaning of the Maternity Protection Act for students

The Maternity Protection Act is intended to protect pregnant and breastfeeding women from risks, excessive demands and health hazards at the workplace. This also applies to your studies at the Technical University of Darmstadt. In order to benefit from the advantages of maternity protection, you must notify the university of your pregnancy or breastfeeding. You can find the appropriate form here (opens in new tab) . Please submit it to your responsible Office for Student Affairs, preferably with a copy of your maternity passport.

Pregnant students studying to become teachers at 'Gymnasien' should contact theCentre for Teacher Training (ZfL). There the initial registration is issued and forwarded.

Pregnant students who work as student assistants at Technical University of Darmstadt must also inform their superiors immediately. Even if you are employed outside of the University, we recommend that you inform your employer. Only then can your and your child's health be protected by your employer.

You can find information about maternity leave at the Technical University Darmstadt here.

The following protective measures apply to you during pregnancy/ nursing

  • In the last six weeks before the calculated date of delivery, you may not participate in the study programme.
  • After delivery, you are normally not allowed to participate in the study programme for 8 weeks (12 weeks in the case of premature and multiple births or if the baby is handicapped).
  • Participation in courses and examinations may not take place between 8 pm and 6 am or on Sundays and public holidays.
  • You must be granted time off for examinations and breastfeeding up to 12 months after the birth.
  • The University is obliged to take work safety measures to protect the student from possible dangers. Information on the scope of the protective measures can be obtained from your Office for Student Affairs.

The Technical University of Darmstadt's first information sheet for pregnant and nursing students can be found here (opens in new tab) . There you will find information on examinations and the cancellation of examinations under points 6 and 7. Please clarify which regulations apply in your case with your Office for Student Affairs.

Quitclaim of your maternity protection rights

You can also quitclaim part of your maternity protection rights if you declare this in writing to the University. For example

  • you can continue to take part in events after 8 pm or on Sundays and public holidays during pregnancy
  • continue to attend events during the maternity leave period
  • continue to take examinations during the maternity leave period

Please submit a declaration of renouncement (opens in new tab) to your respective Office for Student Affairs.

You can revoke this declaration at any time without giving reasons.

The declaration of renunciation does not concern the risk assessment and the work protection measures taken as a result (e.g.: whether you are allowed to participate in certain laboratory tests or not).

Please note that a compensation for any disadvantages in your studies and examinations can only be made if you have informed the University of your pregnancy.

We generally recommend that you speak to the examiner and the examination board beforehand and clarify possible individual solutions or an alternative examination.

Your respective Office for Student Affairs is responsible for the compensation of disadvantages.
Please note that the compensations for disadvantages only apply during the maternity protection period.

In the case of a registered pregnancy, the following applies:

  • According to § 19 I APB, a special examination date can be applied for at the examination board.
  • Pregnancy is a reason for leave of absence according to § 8 I No. 4 HImmaVO. Despite leave of absence exames may be taken. Please contact your respective Office for Student Affairs for more information.
    Please note that a semester of leave of absence can have an impact on BAföG, child benefit or the duration of student health insurance.
  • Since the quitclaim of your maternity protection rights can be revoked at any time in the future, this also has an influence on examination termination. A proven pregnancy is therefore to be considered a reason for withdrawal. In the event of such a reason for dropping out of the examination, the examination attempt will not be evaluated.
  • In the case of term papers, presentations, etc., the deadlines for submissions are always extended, insofar as this is reasonable. If necessary, a replacement must be sought.
  • If according to the study regulations no extension is possible (e.g.: architecture), the appeal to the maternity protection law has the effect of a withdrawal.
  • Regarding your thesis, invoking maternity leave leads to a “ working stop ” (it is assumed that you are not working on the thesis during the maternity leave period) and to an extension of the deadline by the corresponding maternity leave period.

A father has no maternity leave. An extension of the deadline for exams and study achievements due to pregnancy or birth of the child is therefore not possible.

However, if a father has to care for his first child, e.g. because of the birth of a second child, or if it is necessary for him to look after his wife in need of care during and/or after the birth, this is to be equated with the care of relatives in need of care within the framework of § 24 (2) of the APB. An extension of the deadline is possible upon application. The need for care must be proven in a suitable form.

The request is first made to the examiner. If no mutually agreed solution for an extension of the deadline can be found, the student can submit an application to the examination board, which will then decide in agreement with the examiner.


Obligation to notify

We would like to point out that, as always, all discussions will be treated confidentially. However, like all employees of the Technical University Darmstadt, we are legally obliged to report the pregnancy to the supervisory authority (Regierungspräsidium Darmstadt). This can of course only be done if we know your name or your matriculation number.

As part of our counselling service, we will also be happy to provide you with information on maternity leave. Feel free to make an appointment with us. You are also welcome to send us an e-mail or call us. Please pay attention to the obligation to notify mentioned above.
For questions regarding risk assessment please contact your respective Office for Student Affairs or the Department IV A – Safety and environmental protection (German).

Service point part-time studies, studying with children

Advice on the compatibility and design of studying with children

Gabriele Pfeiffer
Servicestelle Teilzeitstudium, Studieren mit Kind
building S1|01 room 203
Karolinenplatz 5, 64289 Darmstadt

06151 16-27010

For general questions about your studies, including maternity leave, you can contact your respective Office for Student Affairs. They are also bound by the legal obligation to report your pregnancy. You can find a list of all Offices for Student Affairs here.

Pregnant students studying to become teachers at grammar schools should contact the Centre for Teacher Training (ZfL). There the initial registration is made and forwarded.

Studierendenwerk Darmstadt – Social Counselling

The Studierendenwerk Darmstadt supports the students of the TU Darmstadt and the Hochschule Darmstadt in their social, economic and health issues. They take care of student financing (BAföG) as well as advising students in various life situations. The social counselling is free of charge and confidential. Contact details and office hours can be found at Student Affairs Darmstadt – Social Counseling (opens in new tab)
