Studies and children


Studying with Children

The Technical University of Darmstadt has a great deal to offer for students with children. Find out information about:

  • The Technical University of Darmstadt nurseries in the city centre and on the Lichtwiese
  • Emergency care in the parent-and-child rooms and in Fluggis Abenteuerland
  • Holiday games
  • Financial support for childcare from the Prof. Sorin Huss Fund
  • Infrastructure facilities such as parent-and-child rooms, nursing and changing facilities
  • Examination regulations for pregnant women and students with children
  • Information package for pregnant women and young parents regarding state and university assistance
  • Advice services at Technical University of Darmstadt

All of this information and more can be found in our German-language Moodle course ‘Studying with Children (StumiK)’. In the forums you can ask questions in English, discuss experiences and network with each other.

Our Moodle-course "Studieren mit Kind"

TheMoodle-course “Studieren mit Kind” offers up to date information about organising your studies, child care and advice services. The course material is in German, but in forums you can share experiences and build networks in English as well.

To Moodle-course “Studieren mit Kind” (TU-ID mandatory)

Studying with children now also available to listen to!

Get-togethers for students with children

Once a semester, there is a virtual meeting for students with children, where information about new regulations is provided, questions are answered and experiences are exchanged. Representatives of the Family Services Office, the AStA and the social counseling service of the Studierendenwerk are also often present.

In addition, a brunch or coffee and cake for students with children is held once a semester in cooperation with the Studierendenwerk and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. In addition to food, drink and children's entertainment, there are also counseling services.

The exact dates are published under “News” or you can register for the Moodle course “Studying with children” to receive invitations.

Service point part-time studies, studying with children

Advice on the compatibility and design of studying with children

Gabriele Pfeiffer
Servicestelle Teilzeitstudium, Studieren mit Kind
building S1|01 room 203
Karolinenplatz 5, 64289 Darmstadt

06151 16-27010

Advice on childcare, schools, holiday childcare, care of relatives

Dr. Karin Süß
S1|03 365a und 366
+ 49 6151-16-26563

Family Service

Advice on studies and study-related matters

Zentrale Studienberatung
S1|01 R103
Karolinenplatz 5
64289 Darmstadt
+49 6151 16-27014

Central Student Counseling Service

Studying with Children is a separate unit that represents the interests and needs of students with children.

Consultation by arrangement:

Social counselling by the AStA

Support in all social, personal and financial matters

Mensa Stadtmitte
Alexanderstr. 4
64283 Darmstadt

Student Affairs Darmstadt – Social Counseling (opens in new tab)