Departents and field of study
Civil and Environmental Engineering (Dept. 13)
- Bauingenieurwesen – Civil Engineering (Master of Science)
- Bauingenieurwesen und Geodäsie (Bachelor of Science)
- Geodäsie und Geoinformation (Master of Science)
- Umweltingenieurwissenschaften (Bachelor of Science)
- Umweltingenieurwissenschaften (Master of Science)
- Verkehrswesen (Master of Science) (expiring)
Computer Sciences (Dept. 20)
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (Master of Science)
- Autonome Systeme (Master of Science) (expiring)
- Autonome Systeme und Robotik (Master of Science)
- Computer Science (Master of Science)
- Distributed Software Systems (Master of Science) (expiring)
- Informatik (Bachelor of Arts)
- Informatik (Bachelor of Education)
- Informatik (Bachelor of Science)
- Informatik (Master of Education)
- Informatik (Master of Science)
- Internet und Web-basierte Systeme (Master of Science) (expiring)
- IT Security (Master of Science)
- IT-Sicherheit (Master of Science) (expiring)
- Visual Computing (Master of Science) (expiring)
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (Dept. 18)
- Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Education) (expiring)
- Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science)
- Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Master of Science)
- Information and Communication Engineering (Master of Science)
- Informationssystemtechnik (Bachelor of Science)
- Informationssystemtechnik (Master of Science)
History and Social Sciences (Dept. 2)
- Angewandte Linguistik (Master of Arts)
- Data and Discourse Studies (Master of Arts)
- Deutsch (Master of Education)
- Digital Philology (Bachelor of Arts)
- Digital Philology (Bachelor of Arts)
- Ethik (Master of Education)
- Evangelische Religion (Master of Education)
- Germanistik (Bachelor of Arts)
- Geschichte (Bachelor of Arts)
- Geschichte (Master of Arts)
- Geschichte (Master of Education)
- Geschichte mit Schwerpunkt Moderne (Bachelor of Arts)
- Governance und Public Policy (Master of Arts)
- Informatik (Bachelor of Arts)
- Katholische Religion (Master of Education)
- Linguistic and Literary Computing (Master of Arts)
- Philosophie (Bachelor of Arts)
- Philosophie (Master of Arts)
- Politik und Wirtschaft (Master of Education)
- Politikwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts)
- Politikwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts)
- Soziologie (Bachelor of Arts)
- Soziologie (Bachelor of Arts)
- Soziologie (Master of Arts)
- Sportwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts)
- Technik und Philosophie (Master of Arts)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Bachelor of Arts)
Human Sciences (Dept. 3)
- Bildungswissenschaften (Master of Arts)
- Cognitive Science (Bachelor of Science)
- Cognitive Science (Master of Science)
- Körperpflege (Bachelor of Education) (expiring)
- Pädagogik (Bachelor of Arts)
- Psychologie: Arbeit, Technik, Organisation (Master of Science)
- Sportmanagement (Master of Arts)
- Sportwissenschaft (Bachelor of Arts)
- Sportwissenschaft (Bachelor of Science)
- Sportwissenschaft (Master of Education) (expiring)
Law and Economics (Dept. 1)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (Master of Science)
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Master of Science)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor of Science)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik (Master of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Bauingenieurwesen (Bachelor of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Bauingenieurwesen (Master of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Bachelor of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (Master of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Maschinenbau (Bachelor of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Maschinenbau (Master of Science)
- Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Materialwissenschaft (Bachelor of Science)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Bachelor of Arts)
Mechanical Engineering (Dept. 16)
- Aerospace Engineering (Master of Science)
- Bio-Materials Engineering (Bachelor of Science)
- Maschinenbau (Master of Science)
- Mechanical Engineering – Sustainable Engineering (Bachelor of Science)
- Metalltechnik (Bachelor of Education) (expiring)
- Paper Science and Technology – Paper Technology and Bio-based Fiber Materials (Master of Science) (expiring)